Steps to Finding a Position

1. Identify an industry that you want to work in.

It is better to have a specific type of work that you want to go for rather than randomly approaching businesses.

2.  Identify firms that work in your chosen industry.

There are a number of sources you can use to identify firms in your chosen industry including:

  • Yellow Pages  paper and web based
  • Business directories
  • Business or industry magazines and publications
  • Local city groups and agencies e.g. City Council, Chamber of Commerce etc.
  • Search Engines on the Internet

Try to find out about these companies as this will help you decide which business to focus on.

3.  Identiy between 5-10 companies that you want to target

Rather than trying to approach everyone, which may dilute your effort, it is best to focus on a small number of companies.  Based on your initial research above, try and look for companies who are:

  • Doing well i.e. growing or expanding
  • Working in areas of the market that show some promise
  • Are frequently commented on or talked about in publications and the media

One suggestion is to avoid choosing only the largest companies. Choose a range of businesses including small to medium sized companies. After you have chosen your companies try to find out as much about them as possible. If possible try to find out the names of any key personnel.

4.  Prepare your  CV to match the companies you have chosen

You need a CV, and a Letter of Application (cover letter).  Both documents should contain words and phrases that indicate knowledge of the industry.  This can differ not only between industries but also between companies.

The letter of introduction is important as potential employers will often read this more closely than a CV because it is an edited and highlighted version of your CV. This ought to give a snapshot of your reasons for seeking employment in this particular organisation. A useful approach is to say that you are interested in “future opportunities”, this does not require an immediate yes or no response but allows the potential employer the opportunity to consider future or current employment requirements. You should also invite a meeting at a later date e.g. “I look forward to an opportunity to briefly meet with you to discuss future possibilities with your company”.

Self Asessment