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 Māori Newsfeed

Subject Contact

Sonya - Hawke's Bay
email| saifai@eit.ac.nz

Kaihoe - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301831
email| kapiata@eit.ac.nz

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138
email| jrobinson@eit.ac.nz

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448

Finding Information

Library Search Tools
Search Tips (Searching for Resources)


APA Referencing

APA Referencing guides can be found here.
For further help with APA Referencing ask at the Library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Related Study Guides

Click here for the full list of Study Guides.

Suggested Guides

Analysing the Question
Critical Thinking
Essay Writing
Computer Guides

If you need help with your assignment writing or ways to study ask at the library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Use these resources to find Books relevant to your studies.

Most of our databases have a help menu. If you need help with the databases contact your subject librarian.


Search for Library Books

Primo Search


Refer to Search Tips for help improving the efficiency of your searches.


Browse The Collection

There is a separate Māori Collection in both the Hawke's Bay and Tairāwhiti campus libraries.

All resources that are on a Māori subject, are written by Māori authors or are written for Māori students are shelved in these collections according to the dewey decimal classification (DDC) system. That is, a book about Māori health will be in the Māori Collection, shelved under the DDC number of 610. All items in these collections are identified by a kowhaiwhai sticker.


Full-text Works

Full Text Dictionaries
English/Māori - Māori/English Dictionary (Ngata) | A Dictionary of Māori Language (Williams - 1957) | Māori Pronunciations and the Evolution of Written Māori (Patrick Smyth - 1946) | Māori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary (Tregear - 1891)

Ancient History of the Maori (John White) | Legends of the Māori - Volume 1 (Cowan) | Legends of the Māori - Volume 2 (Maui Pomare) | The Māori: Yesterday and To-day (Cowan) | Nation Making - a Story of New Zealand (Firth) | The Māori Race (Tregear)

Historical Māori
Takitimu (Tiaki Hikawera Mitira) | The Chant of Takitimu | Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi) | A Bibliography of Guides to Māori Information (Kirsten Stewart) |

Mythology & Religion
Spiritual & Mental Concepts of the Māori(Best) | Some Aspects of Māori Myth and Religion (Best) | Polynesian Mythology and Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealand Race (Grey) | Māori Religion & Mythology (Shortland) | Oceanic Mythology (Dixon)

George Grey
Polynesian Mythology and Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealand Race | He Whakawai Taanga Moko

S. Percy Smith
Hawaiki: The Original Home of the Māori; with a Sketch of Polynesian History | History and Traditions of the Māoris of the West Coast North Island of New Zealand Prior to 1840

Te Rangi Hiroa (Sir Peter Henry Buck)
Anthropology & Religion | The Coming of the Māori | Ethnology of Manihiki and Rakahanga | Arts and Crafts of the Cook Islands | Ethnology of Tongareva | Vikings of the Sunrise | The Material Culture of the Cook Islands (Aitutaki) | Mangaian Society | An Introduction to Polynesian Anthropology | Explorers of the Pacific: European and American Discoveries in Polynesia

Elsdon Best
Spiritual & Mental Concepts of the Māori (Best) | Some Aspects of Māori Myth and Religion (Best) | Māori School of Learning (Best) | Polynesian Voyagers: The Māori as a Deep-sea Navigator, Explorer and Colonizer (Best) | Māori Religion & Mythology - Part 1 | Māori Religion and Mythology - Part 2 | The Māori Canoe | Fishing Methods and Devices of the Māori | The Māori - Volume I | The Māori - Volume II | Māori Storehouses and Kindred Structures | Māori Agriculture | The Whare Kohanga (The “Nest House”) and its Lore | The Stone Implements of the Māori | The Māori As He Was : A Brief Account of Life as it Was in Pre-European Days | The Pa Māori | Games and Pastimes of the Māori | Forest Lore of the Māori | Astronomical Knowledge of the Māori (Best) | Māori Division of Time (Best)

Subject Contact

Sonya - Hawke's Bay
email| saifai@eit.ac.nz

Kaihoe - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301831
email| kapiata@eit.ac.nz

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138
email| jrobinson@eit.ac.nz

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448


Finding a Specific Title
Finding Books on your Topic
Primary / Secondary Resources


APA Referencing

How do I reference a book?

For further help with APA Referencing ask at the Library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Related Study Guides

Click here for the full list of Study Guides.

Search for Ebooks

Ebook Central provides access to a wide range of electronic books on almost every topic.

Ebook Central

Refer to Ebook Central Tutorials on YouTube for search tips.
Refer to Search Tips for search strategies.



The New Zealand Electronic Text Collection comprises significant New Zealand and Pacific Island texts and materials held by Victoria University of Wellington Library. This encompasses both digitised heritage material and born-digital resources. The NZETC supports the teaching, learning and research activities at Victoria University of Wellington through: The digitisation of historical works held uniquely by the Victoria University Library with an emphasis on works created by Victoria; The support of the creation of born-digital resources created by Victoria. The texts made available on the NZETC are freely accessible to all researchers regardless of their affiliation with Victoria University of Wellington.


Bridget Williams Books

Critical Issues Collection
This Collection is a landmark digital resource from Bridget Williams Books. It allows online access to books on : Housing, inequality, climate change, child poverty, the environment, migration, financial crisis… deep analysis of the big issues.

New Zealand History Collection
This Collection is a landmark digital resource from Bridget Williams Books. It allows online access to over 30 years of award-winning history publishing combined into an authoritative resource of life on these islands, from earliest beginnings to present day. New Zealand History, Māori, Treaty of Waitangi, Women resources are all included.


New Book List

Journal articles are written by experts in the field and are an excellent source for current and original research; often on quite specific aspects of a topic. Databases provide you with access to an increasing amount of articles which will help you find comprehensive information on your chosen topic.

Not all of our databases are full-text. If you find an article that only has an abstract we may be able to interloan it for you. Fill out an online interloan form.

Most of our databases have a help menu. If you need help with the databases contact your subject librarian.


Print Journals

Mana Magazine (Hawke's Bay)
Mana Magazine (Tairāwhiti)
The Journal of the Polynesian Society


E Journals

He Muka (1988 - 2015)
He Muka is a publication in te reo Māori published by Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori–Māori Language Commission. He Muka was originally a print-based periodical featuring te reo Māori issues using language of a standard to provide an exemplar for advanced learners and fluent speakers. The first issue was published in June 1988. The first colour edition was published in Kōanga 1991. It was a quarterly publication, and until recently was a full colour publication of approximately 16 pages. There was a two year hiatus period of non-publication. The final issue that was printed was Hōtoke 2015. In 2017 He Muka was revitalised and in December 2017 a digital version of He Muka was launched on the Commission's website.

Te Karaka
This is the journal of Ngai Tahu iwi.

Mai Journal : A NZ journal of indigenous scholarship
MAI Journal is an open access journal that publishes multidisciplinary peer-reviewed articles around indigenous knowledge and development in the context of Aotearoa New Zealand.It continues Mai Review which has ceased publication.

Mai Review
This is a refereed academic journal

Te Kaharoa
Te Kaharoa is a free-access, multi-disciplinary, refereed, e-journal focusing on indigenous Pacific issues

Find e-Journals

You do allow embedded content.


General Databases

Australia/NZ Reference Centre
Australia/NZ Reference Centre combines Australia and New Zealand specific magazines, newspapers, newswires and reference books to create the largest collection of regional full text content available to schools, public libraries, and academic institutions.

Credo Reference
An online library of hundreds of reference books including encyclopaedias, dictionaries, thesauri, atlases, biographies, quotations and subject-specific titles. There are millions of entries, including thousands of images and audio pronunciation files. Contributing publishers include Routledge, SAGE, Cambridge University Press, Wiley, Elsevier and many others. Additional features include Mind Map and Topic Pages, plus links to the EIT library catalogue and databases.

Ebook Central
A collection of over 30,000 full-text e-book titles covering a wide range of academic subjects.

The world's largest source of education information, with more than 1 million abstracts of documents and journal articles on education research and practice. Limited full-text.

GALE databases
Access to the Gale databases via a common menu.

Index New Zealand (INNZ)
Indexes and abstracts selected New Zealand serial publications, including newspapers and 300 journals about New Zealand and the South Pacific. Subjects include general interest material, social research, current affairs, the arts and humanities. Coverage is from 1987.

Subject Contact

Sonya - Hawke's Bay
email| saifai@eit.ac.nz

Kaihoe - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301831
email| kapiata@eit.ac.nz

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138
email| jrobinson@eit.ac.nz

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448

Journal Articles

Finding a Specific Article
Finding Articles on your Topic


APA Referencing

How do I reference an article from a journal?

For further help with APA Referencing ask at the Library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Related Study Guides

Click here for the full list of Study Guides.

If you need help with your assignment writing or ways to study ask at the library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Specific Databases

A to J's online
A to Js Online contains a collection of digitised volumes of the Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives. The collection currently covers the years 1854 to 1945. Good source of historical Government information on Māori topics and iwi.

GALE OneFile Australia and New Zealand
Gale Onefile Australia and New Zealand is a full-text aggregated journal resource. Additional material includes radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts. The platform features include a Topic Finder and a mobile-optimized interface and allows unlimited simultaneous users.

Journal of the Polynesian Society
The Polynesian Society is a non-profit organization based at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Founded in 1892, the Society’s aim was the scholarly study of past and present New Zealand Māori and other Pacific Island peoples and cultures. The project has digitised the first 100 years of the Journal, from 1892-1991.

Māori Land Legislation Database
A summary of all New Zealand legislation since 1840 (including private and local Acts) which has affected Māori or Māori land. It also gives brief notes on the historical context and the impact of each Act cited, with references to other Government publications. A printed form of the database containing the most significant of the public acts is available in the Māori Studies Collection.

Niupepa Māori newspapers
These historic newspapers were published primarily for a Māori audience between 1842 and 1932. The newspapers can be searched (full text), browsed (by series) or accessed by date. Browse this site in English or Māori. This collection has been made available by the New Zealand Digital Library Project, at the Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato.

Papers Past
Papers Past contains more than two million pages of digitised New Zealand newspapers and periodicals. The collection covers the years 1839 to 1945 and includes 77 publications from all regions of New Zealand.

Te Ao Hou
Te Ao Hou was published from 1952 to 1976 by the Māori Affairs Department in New Zealand Aotearoa.

General Databases

MasterFILE Premier
Multidisciplinary database providing full-text of nearly 2,000 general reference publications back to 1975. Includes full text reference books, biographies, primary source documents, and an image collection of photos, maps and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCOhost.

New Zealand National Union Catalogue - Te Puna
The New Zealand National Union Catalogue on Te Puna is maintained by the New Zealand National Library and provides access to over 10 million records for New Zealand and overseas resources (books, reports, theses, serials and conference proceedings). It lists which New Zealand libraries hold these resources.

ProQuest Central
ProQuest Central is a large multidisciplinary research resource combining more than 28 databases and covering more than 20,000 periodicals plus many other scholarly resources. Content is from scholarly journals, trade publications, company reports, dissertations, newspapers, newsletters, and newswires. Over 160 subject areas are covered including business and economics, health and medical (including nursing), education, social sciences, psychology, humanities, technology, science and more.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Global
Includes more than 3 million dissertations and theses from around the world, with comprehensive coverage of North American works and expanding coverage of international works. Over 1.7 million are available in full text.

These websites have been chosen by your subject librarian to provide you with a relevant selection of online resources. When searching for other online resources evaluate them and think critically about the information presented;

  • Who is making the content available, are they a reliable source?
  • Is the content they are presenting accurate?
  • Is it biased towards political or commercial interests?

google scholar



Google Scholar allows you to search for academic sources using Google's search capabilities. This excludes other non-academic material to give you a more scholarly selection of results. EIT's holdings can be displayed using Google Scholar, to allow you to see at a glance if EIT has access to the full-text of sources you may find. See our guide for step by step instructions.


Recommended Websites

Māori Land Court Minute Books Index
A Native Land Court was set up in 1865 to award titles and partition surveyed blocks of Māori land. It also confirmed successors to individual owners. By 1910 its awards covered almost all of the North Island. It was renamed the Māori Land Court in 1954. Minutes were kept of all its proceedings. The Māori Land Court Minute Books Index is an index to these minute books and has information for cases heard between 1865 and 1910. Copies of the minute books (microfilm and photocopy) are held in major libraries around New Zealand, the district offices of the Māori Land Court, and Archives New Zealand. Archives New Zealand also hold the original minute books.

Te Ara Encyclopedia
The online encyclopedia of New Zealand created by the New Zealand government.

This website is a gateway to the open-access research documents produced at universities, polytechnics, and other research institutions throughout New Zealand.

Te Whanake Māori language online
This website provides access to a range of free online resources for independent learning and interaction. These online resources support the four core textbooks and study guides of the Māori language programme, Te Whanake.

Tōku reo
Join Raimona and Naomi online with interactive exercises, podcasts and a forum to reinforce what you’re learning on the TŌKU REO television show.

Journal of the Polynesian Society
The Polynesian Society is a non-profit organization based at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Founded in 1892, the Society’s aim was the scholarly study of past and present New Zealand Māori and other Pacific Island peoples and cultures. The project has digitised the first 100 years of the Journal, from 1892-1991.

A to J's online
A to Js Online contains a collection of digitised volumes of the Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives. The collection currently covers the years 1854 to 1945. Good source of historical Government information on Māori topics and iwi.

Niupepa Maori newspapers These historic newspapers were published primarily for a Māori audience between 1842 and 1932. The newspapers can be searched (full text), browsed (by series) or accessed by date. Browse this site in English or Māori. This collection has been made available by the New Zealand Digital Library Project, at the Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato.

Te Ao Hou
Te Ao Hou was published from 1952 to 1976 by the Māori Affairs Department in New Zealand Aotearoa.

Papers Past
Papers Past contains more than two million pages of digitised New Zealand newspapers and periodicals. The collection covers the years 1839 to 1945 and includes 77 publications from all regions of New Zealand.

Dictionary of New Zealand Biography
These biographies were originally published in the printed Dictionary of New Zealand Biography between 1990 and 2000, and in the parallel Māori language series Nga Tangata Taumata Rau.

New Zealand history online
New Zealand history website produced by professional historians for a general audience. Good for background information on Treaty of Waitangi also.

Karanga: Ngā reo o ngā Wāhine Māori
In 1995, as part of the celebration of Te Tau o Teo Reo Māori the Ministry of Women's Affairs (now Ministry for Women) arranged for Māori women to be interviewed in Te Reo Māori. The interviews were recorded, and portraits of the women involved were taken

Government and Politics
New Zealand Government Online | Te Taura Whiri | Te Māngai Pāho | Office of Treaty Settlements | Waitangi Tribunal | Te Puni Kokiri | Ministry of Education | Māori Health | Statistics New Zealand | Te Kete Ipurangi| Te Whare Tapa Wha | Māori health models

Te Aka Māori-English, English-Māori Dictionary and Index
Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
He Kupu o te Rā
Māori Polynesian Comparative dictionary
English/Māori- Māori/English Dictionary (Ngata)
A Dictionary of MāoriLanguage (Williams - 1957)

Te Reo Resources
Aki Hauora (App) | Radio New Zealand (Māori Greetings) | Korero Māori | 100 MāoriWords Every New Zealander Should Know | 365 Useful Words and Phrases | Phrase Drills | Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission) || Māori Pronunciations and the Evolution of Written Māori (Patrick Smyth - 1946) | Māori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary (Tregear - 1891) | Te Wharekura Journals (Ministry of Education) | Matauranga Māori |

Legal Resources
He Pātaka Kupu Ture / The Legal Māori Archive
The Legal Māori Resource Hub

Ngā tohu pumahara : the survey pegs of the past: Understanding Māori place names


Subject Contact

Sonya - Hawke's Bay
email| saifai@eit.ac.nz

Kaihoe - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301831
email| kapiata@eit.ac.nz

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138
email| jrobinson@eit.ac.nz

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448

Finding Information

Library Search Tools
Search Tips (Searching for Resources) Primary / Secondary Resources


APA Referencing

How do I reference a webpage?

For further help with APA Referencing ask at the Library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.


Iwi and Hapū Websites

Iwi & Hapū
Iwi Map
Māori Maps
Rohe-Iwi-Hapū-Marae Information sheet

Te Tai Rāwhiti
Te Tai Rāwhiti Map Link
Ngāti Porou | Ngāti Porou Hapū and Marae
Te Aitanga ā Mahaki | Te Aitanga ā Mahaki Hapu and Marae
Rongowhakaata | Rongowhakaata Hapū and Marae
Ngai Tāmanuhiri | Ngai Tāmanuhiri Hapū and Marae

Tākitimu Map Link
Ngāti Kahungunu | Ngāti Kahungungu Hapū and Marae
Te Wairoa Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Pahauwera Website | Ngāti Pahauwera Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Hineuru Website | Ngati Hineuru Hapū and Marae
Maungaharuru Tangitu Website | Maungaharuru Tangitu Hapū and Marae
Mana Ahuriri Website | Mana Ahuriri Hapū and Marae
aga Tamatea Website | Heretaunga Tamatea Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa - Tāmaki Nui ā Rua Website | Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa - Tāmaki Nui ā Rua Rohe (Tribal Area)
Rangitāne (North Island) | Rangitāne (North Island) Hapū and Marae

Mātaatua Map Link
Te Whānau a Apanui | Te Whānau a Apanui Hapū and Marae
Ngāitai (Bay of Plenty) | Ngāitai Hapū an Marae
Whakatōhea | Whakatōhea Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Awa | Ngāti Awa Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Whare | Ngāti Whare Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Manawa | Ngāti Manawa Hapū and Marae | Tūhoe | Tūhoe Hapū and Marae
Ruapani ki Waikaremoana
| Ruapani ki Waikaremoana Hapū and Marae

Te Arawa Waka
Te Arawa Waka Map Link
Ngāti Tūwharetoa Website | Ngāti Tūwharetoa Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Turangitukua Website | Ngāti Turangitukua Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Tūwharetoa (Bay of Plenty) Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Mākino Website| Ngāto Mākino Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Pikiao Website | Ngāti Pikiao Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Rangiteaorere Hapū and Marae
Tapuika Website | Tapuika Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Tarāwhai Hapū and Marae
Tūhourangi Website | Tūhourangi Hapū and Marae
Te Ure o Uenukukōpako / Ngāti Whakaue Hapū and Marae
Waitaha Website | Waitaha Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Tahu / Ngāti Whaoa Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Kearoa / Ngāti Tuarā Website | Ngāti Kearoa / Ngāti Tuarā Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Rongomai Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Rangiwewehi Website | Ngāti Rangiwewehi Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Rangitihi Website | Ngāti Rangitihi Hapū and Marae

Te Moana o Raukawa
Te Moana o Raukawa Map Link
Rangitāne Website | Rangitāne Hapū and Marae
Muaūpoko Website | Muaūpoko Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga Website | Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga Hapū Marae
Ngāti Toa Rangatira Website | Ngāti Toa Rangatira Hapū and Marae
Te Atiawa ki Whakarongotai Website | Te Atiawa ki Whakarongotai Hapū and Marae
Te Atiawa(Wellington) Hapū and Marae
Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika Website | Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika Hapū and Marae

Hauāuru Map Link
Ngāti Tama Website | Ngāti Tama Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Mutunga Website | Ngāti Mutunga Hapū and Marae
Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Website | Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Hapū and Marae
Taranaki Website | Taranaki Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) Website | Ngāti Maru (Taranaki) Hapū and Marae
Ngāruahine Website | Ngāruahine Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Ruanui Website | Ngāti Ruanui Hapū and Marae
Ngā Rauru Kītahi Website | Ngā Rauru Kītahi Hapū and Marae
Whanganui Iwi / Te Atihaunui a Pāpārangi Website | Whanganui Iwi / Te Atihaunui a Pāpārangi Hapū and Marae
Te Korowai o Wainuiārua (Central Whanganui) Website
Te Korowai o Wainuiārua (Central Whanganui) Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Rangi Website | Ngāti rangi Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Apa Website | Ngāti Apa Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Hauiti Website |

Tainui Map Link
Waikato Website | Waikato Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Maniapoto | Ngāti Maniapoto Hapū and Marae
Raukawa Website | Raukawa Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Korokī Kahukura Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Hauā Website | Ngāti Hauā Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Hinerangi Website | Ngāti Hinerangi Hapū and Marae
Pouākani Website | Pouākani Hapū and Marae
Rereahu Website | Rereahi Hapū and Marae

Tauranga Moana
Tauranga Moana Map Link
Ngāti Pūkenga Website | Ngāti Pūkenga Hapū and Marae
Ngāi Te Rangi Website | Ngāi Te Rangi Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Ranginui Website | Ngāti Ranginui Hapū and Marae

Hauraki Map Link
Ngāti Hako Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Hei Website | Ngāti Hei Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Maru (Hauraki) Website | Ngāti Maru (Hauraki) Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Paoa Website | Ngāti Paoa Hapū and Marae
Patukirikiri Website | Patukirikiri Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Porou ki Harataunga ki Mataora Website
Ngāti Porou ki Harataunga ki Mataora Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Pūkenga ki Waiau Website | Ngāti Pūkenga ki Waiau Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Tamaterā Website | Ngāti Tamaterā Hapū and Marae
Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Website | Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Rāhiri Tumutumu Website | Ngāti Rāhiri Tumutumu Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Tara Tokanui Website | Ngāti Tara Tokanui Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Whanaunga Website | Ngāti Whanaunga Hapū and Marae

Tāmaki Map Link
Ngāti Whātua Website | Ngāti Whātua Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Rehua Website | Ngāti Rehua Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Manuhiri Website | Ngāti Manuhiri Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Whātua o ōrākei Website | Ngāti Whātua o ōrākei Hapū and Marae
Te Kawerau a Maki Website | Te Kawerau a Maki Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Tamaoho Website | Ngāti Tamaoho Hapū and Marae
Te ākitai Waiohua Website | Te ākitai Waiohua Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Maru (Hauraki) Website | Ngāti Maru (Hauraki) Hapū and Marae
Patukirikiri Website | Patukirikiri Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Paoa Website | Ngāti Paoa Hapū and Marae
Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Website | Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Tamaterā Website | Ngāti Tamaterā Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Whanaunga Website | Ngāti Whanaunga Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Te Ata Hapū and Marae
Waikato Website | Waikato Hapū and Marae

Te Tai Tokerau
Te Tai Tokerau Map Link
Ngāi Takoto Website | Ngāti Tokoto Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Kurī Website | Ngāti Kurī Hapū and Marae
Te Aupōuri Website | Te Aupōuri Hapū and Marae
Te Rarawa Website | Te Rarawa Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Kahu Website | Ngāti Kahu Hapū and Marae
Ngāpuhi/Ngāti Kahu ki Whaingaroa Website
Ngāpuhi/Ngāti Kahu ki Whaingaroa Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa Website | Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa Hapū and Marae
Ngāpuhi Website | Ngāpuhi Hapū and Marae
Ngātiwai Website | Ngātiwai Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Whātua Website | Ngāti Whātua Hapū and Marae
Te Roroa Website | Te Roroa Hapū and Marae
Te Uri o Hau Website | Te Uri o Hau Hapū and Marae

Te Tau Ihu
Te Tau Ihu Map Link
Ngāti Toa Rangatira Website | Ngāti Toa Rangatira Hapū and Marae
Te Atiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui Website | Te Atiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Website | Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō Hapū and Marae
Rangitāne o Wairau Website | Rangitāne o Wairau Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Kuia Website | Ngāti Kuia Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Rārua Website | Ngāti Rārua Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Kōata Website | Ngāti Kōata Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu Website | Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu Hapū and Marae

Waipounamu/Rekohu Map Link
Ngāti Tahu Website | Ngāti Tahu Hapū and Marae
Ngāti Mutunga (Chatham Islands) Website | Ngāti Mutunga (Chatham Islands) Hapū and Marae
Moriori Website | Moriori Hapū and Marae

Everyone is aware of YouTube but as a student of EIT you also have access to the below resources to locate quality content.

If you do use YouTube, or other online video content, remember to critically evaluate the material you find:

  • Who is making the content available, are they a reliable source?
  • Is the content they are presenting accurate?
  • Is it biased towards political or commercial interests?

The principles given in our evaluating the credibility of websites guide will help you assess whether it is appropriate for academic purposes. Speak to a librarian or learning advisor if you are unsure.


Recommended Videos

Māori Television On Demand
Latest videos available to watch online

Te reo channel
Watch shows on the Te Reo channel

Toku reo
Join Raimona and Naomi online with interactive exercises, podcasts and a forum to reinforce what you’re learning on the TŌKU REO television show

Waka huia
Watch current and archived Waka Huia episodes

NZ on screen - Māori
A selection of Māori television series, documentaries and films from NZ on screen.

Subject Contact

Sonya - Hawke's Bay
email| saifai@eit.ac.nz

Kaihoe - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301831
email| kapiata@eit.ac.nz

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138
email| jrobinson@eit.ac.nz

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448

Finding Information

Search Tips (Searching for Resources)

APA Referencing

For further help with APA Referencing ask at the Library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Related Study Guides

eTV Student Guide
eTV Staff Guide


Click here to see eTV, a new resource you can access from the Library. The On Demand section lets you view and download recordings from TV and videos kept in the Library and Shop.The Live Channels feature lets you live stream TV channels. Use My eTV to store your favourite programmes, personal details and saved searches.

Please see the eTV Student Guide for help using eTV.

Please see the eTV Staff Guide for help to embed an eTV episode into your EIT Online course.


For further help with finding information please contact:

Waitangi Teepa
Cultural Support Advisor
Phone: (06) 830 1861
Email: wteepa@eit.ac.nz

For further help with APA Referencing please contact:

Alice Mcmillan
Information & Learning Advisor: Māori Student Support
Phone: (06) 830 1439
Email: amcmillan@eit.ac.nz


Twist Library
501 Gloucester Street
Taradale, Napier 4112

Phone. (06) 830 1045
Email. twist@eit.ac.nz



Tairawhiti Library
290 Palmerston Road
Gisborne, 4010

Phone. (06) 869 0835
Email. Library1@eit.ac.nz



Floor 6 (Reception)
238 Queen Street
Auckland CBD 1010

Phone. (09) 300 7410
Email. aucklandeit@eit.ac.nz





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