Study Guides For an alphabetised list of all study guides, click here
Academic Learning Services provides a range of resources to assist you with your learning and study. Develop your writing and study skills by using the guides provided.
- Analyse assignment tasks
- Types of writing, Discussion forums
- Integrating literature into your writing
- Academic words and phrases
- Academic integrity
- APA writing style & referencing
- Essays, presentations, reports
- Reflective writing
- Discussion forums
- Research proposals, bibliographies,
literature reviews,
- Written submissions
- EIT APA referencing guides
- Incorporating references into your writing
- Formatting references
- Links to APA resources, Endnote
- Academic Integrity
- APA Quizzes
- Turnitin
- APA style
- Formatting guidelines
- Punctuation and grammar
- Sentence & paragraph structure
- Academic words & phrases
- Root words, prefixes, suffices
- Parts of speech
- Generating ideas
- Organising your thinking
- Evaluating information
- Getting more out of study time
- Practising reflection
- Searching for information
- Evaluating information
- Turnitin
- EIT computer guides
- EIT Formatting guidelines
- EIT Guides on Google products and OneDrive
- Endnote
- Saving @ EIT
- Printing @EIT
- Computer tips
- Planning study time
- Reading Effectively, Critical thinking
- Note-taking, Listening Skills
- Working in Groups
- Memory
- Getting started with writing
- Exam Preparation
- Reflective writing in social sciences
- BSW and BN formatting requirements
- Applied Science lab reports
- Exam preparation
- Postgraduate students
- APA referencing
- Academic writing guides
- Maori dictionaries
- Te reo Maori quizzes and links
- Quizzes for number order and engineering and Scientific notation
- Links to useful maths sites and educational resources
- Pathways Awarua – New Zealand’s literacy and numeracy learning tool
Advisors are available for group or individual appointments on the EIT campuses and Regional Learning Centres.
These guides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
We have endeavoured to acknowledge other sources where possible and any omissions are unintentional.