Academic Learning Services Tairāwhiti
Welcome! Academic Learning Services is here to assist you on your journey towards the successful completion of your studies at EIT. Our aim is for you to become confident, competent and independent learners. The academic advisors for the Tairawhiti campus are located in the Library - room PL108.
Learning advisors support learners to develop their learning, numeracy, and academic skills as well as their language proficiency.
To see a Learning Advisor you may
- book an appointment at the Library service desk
- contact the learning advisor directly
We are available during the following hours:
Monday |
8.00am - 4.00pm |
Tuesday |
8.00am - 4.00pm |
Wednesday |
8.00am - 4.00pm |
Thursday |
8.00am - 4.00pm |
Friday |
8.00am - 4.00pm
Information and Learning Advisors
Roger Quinn
Academic Learning Advisor
Phone: (06) 869 3035

Waiora Te Kani
Academic Learning Advisor - Te Reo Māori
Phone: (06) 869 3037
Assitance available in Te Reo and English
We can assist with:
- Academic reading
- critical thinking, research, reading effectively
- Academic writing
- essays, reports, reflective writing, online forums, literature reviews, annotated bibliographies, short or long answer assignments
- APA referencing and writing style
- in text citations, reference lists, APA style conventions
- Basic computing
- Basic literacy
- Mathematics
- Study skills
- memory, note-taking, learning styles, exam techniques
- Oral presentations
- Research analysis
- Time management
- Writing skills
- paraphrasing, summarising, sentence structure, paragraph structure, grammar, punctuation
Information & Learning Advisor Appointments
Within a learning advice session some of the following may occur |
Learning advisors do not |
- Advice on how to analyse your assignment tasks
- Working together on your computer and research skills
- Reading of your assignment, and advice which may include
- grammar/punctuation/spelling
- assignment structure
- paragraph structure
- flow of ideas
- referencing
- paraphrasing
- assignment formatting
- writing style
- Discussion about factors that may be impacting on your learning
- Discussion about your study and learning strategies and what you might be able to do to improve these
- Write parts of your assignment for you
- Cover every aspect of your assignment that needs addressing
- Assess or pre-mark your work
Learning advisors are here to help you succeed.? Your assignment is your work and your responsibility.