Library and Learning Services

Library Search

Library Services Tairāwhiti




      Monday - Thursday 8.00am - 6.00pm
      Friday 8.00am - 4.00pm
     Saturday - Sunday 10.00am - 2.00pm
      December - January ?
      Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 4.30pm


8.30am - 4.00pm



Studylink Support

There is help available to complete your Studylink application, please contact the library to make an appointment.


Library Services

The EIT Library provides study and research facilities for students, staff and community members in a relaxed and friendly environment. Our librarians are available to assist students utilise a wide range of resources that support their studies.

Computers and laptops are available for student use. General support with using EIT Online and other course related technologies is also available.


How do I join the Library?

Your Student ID Card is your library card and is available from the Library.
In order to have a card made you will need to present one of the following:

  • Last year’s EIT student ID Card
  • EIT Login form
  • Fees invoice
  • EIT course Acceptance letter

You will not be issued with any library items unless you have your card with you.
If you lose your card, replacement ID cards cost $5.00.


What can I borrow and for how long?


Loan Period


Overdue Fee
  Books 28 days 3 20 cents per day
  Books - Short term Loan 7 days 3 50 cents per day
  Journals 14 days 1 50 cents per day
  Course Reserve 4 hours Unable to renew $50
  Laptops (mouse, charger) 4 hours Unable to renew $50
  Minor Equipment

4 hours

Unable to renew



We send out courtesy emails reminding you when your library books are due back. For EIT students these emails are sent to their EIT student webmail account. If you would like to change this to another email account click here.

Items marked "Reference" cannot be issued. You may have up to 30 items on issue at one time. Books and audio-visual items can be renewed up to 3 times, unless someone else has put in a request for the item.


Can you get items from other libraries for me?

Yes. Interloan forms are available at the Desk or you can complete an Interloan Online Form. Interloans takes a few days to arrive, so please plan ahead when requesting.


What is Desk Reference?

Desk Reference is high demand material stored behind the Desk, which can be borowed for up to 4 hours with your ID card.


Distance Students

All students who have enrolled in a course as a Distance Student are able to use the Library Distance Service. Please advise us if your contact details change during your course. Click here to see the FAQs most commonly asked by our distance students. If there is something we have not covered send an email to: or contact the Distance Librarian, Veronica McClunie-Wall at EIT on phone (06) 830 1207.



Contact Details Tairawhiti Library (Gisborne)

EIT Tairawhiti Library
PO Box 640

? (06) 869 0835