Students who have enrolled in a course as a Distance Student are entitled to use the Library Distance Service. As a Distance Student you will be enrolled as a member of the library from the information you provided on your course enrolment form. Please advise us if your contact details change during your course. The following questions are those most commonly asked by our distance students. If there is something we have not covered send an email to: or contact the Distance Librarian, Veronica McClunie-Wall at EIT on Freephone:- 0800 22 55 348. extension 6040
You need to send a high resolution headshot jpeg photo file to, along with your name, student ID number,address and phone number. The photograph must be face on to camera, against a plain background (Preferably white) and with no hat or sunglasses. We will send you the ID card when it is ready.
If you are having some trouble please click here. It will explain how to access library electronic resources off campus.
Databases and e-resources are available from the Subject Guide pages or the Databases page on the Library & Learning Service website. You will need your EIT student Username and Password to access these resources.
You can download EndNote from EIT here. Please email us if you have any questions.
See our Change Password guide for assistance.
If you would like to request a single item of Library material you can fill in a Request Form for Distance Students.
If you have a request for more than one item please email the list to with your name and student ID number.
Using Primo Search enables you to identify whether the library holds any specific resources you require. The Library also provides a range of databases for you to access up-to-date information from journals and other sources. The Library staff will be happy to discuss with you which search tool will suit your information needs and provide you with instructions. Course related items not held by the library will be obtained from other libraries where possible. There is no cost for this service.
We may find an alternative in the collection or we can interloan from another library. Interloans take time to arrive so please plan ahead when requesting. You may complete the Interloan Online Form to request. If you are requesting more than one item please email -
You may have up to 20 items on issue at one time.
Distance student loan periods are different to on-campus students.
The distance loan periods are as follows: [show | hide]
Standard loan - 4 weeks(inclusive of postage time)
Heavy demand material - 2 weeks (inclusive of postage time). These books are renewed for one week per renewal only.
Photocopies of articles or chapters are yours to keep. There is no charge for photocopying unless large quantities are requested, in which case we will advise you of the cost.
Books may be renewed three times if no one else has requested them. You may renew a book online through Primo Search (using My Account), or by email or phone. Any books renewed after their due date will incur fines.
Material will be sent out within 24 hours of your request arriving at the library, unless the item requested is already out on loan, in which case we will notify you. Books are sent to you by courier, and articles by standard post or email if available electronically.
Via mail
If you choose to return items via mail, we encourage you to use the Freepost DX mail service. Please recycle the courier bag by turning it inside out, or use your own packaging.
Use the DX Mail Locator to find a DX mail box near you, or a DX exchange where you can hand over larger items that will not fit in a post box.
To return items at no cost to you, use the Freepost label supplied. Extra Freepost labels can be supplied.
If you cannot find a DX mail box you may also drop items off to any NZ Post office shop. However please note, NZ Post office shops will only accept parcels that have the Freepost Label attached.
Via Courier
You may also return your books via courier. In that case, please address the parcel to our street address:
Distance Service Librarian
Twist Library
Eastern Institute of Technology
501 Gloucester Street
This service is not free - any items sent via courier will need to be paid by students.
Please note that if your item(s) arrive at Twist Library after the due date, fines will apply, so we encourage you to post your parcel a few days before the due date.
Can I visit the Library?
Do come in and use the Library when you are on campus. We enjoy meeting you and helping you in person. Remember to bring your student ID card (or proof of enrolment to have your card made) if you wish to have material issued.