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    Search across a wide range of reference resources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries and atlases.


Science Newsfeed

Subject Contact

Jadwiga - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301033

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448

Finding Information

Library Search Tools
Search Tips (Searching for Resources)


APA Referencing

APA Referencing guides can be found here.
For further help with APA Referencing ask at the Library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Related Study Guides

Click here for the full list of Study Guides.

Suggested Guides

Analysing the Question
Critical Thinking
Essay Writing
Computer Guides

If you need help with your assignment writing or ways to study ask at the library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Use these resources to find Books relevant to your studies.

Most of our databases have a help menu. If you need help with the databases contact your subject librarian.


Search for Library Books

Primo Search


Refer to Search Tips for help improving the efficiency of your searches.


Browse the Collection

Information resources on this subject can be found in the following locations.

510 Mathematics
530 Physics
540 Chemistry
570 Biology
572 Biochemistry
577 Ecology
581 Botany
631 Soil Science


Subject Contact

Jadwiga - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301033

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448


Finding a Specific Title
Finding Books on your Topic
Primary / Secondary Resources


APA Referencing

How do I reference a book?

For further help with APA Referencing ask at the Library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Related Study Guides

Click here for the full list of Study Guides.

Search for EBooks

Ebook Central provides access to a wide range of electronic books on almost every topic.

Ebook Central

Refer to Ebook Central Tutorials on YouTube for search tips.
Refer to Search Tips for search strategies.


Biodiversity Science and Solutions for Australia

Climate Change: Science and Solutions for Australia

Plants in Action - a plant physiology textbook published by the Australian Society of Plant Scientists, New Zealand Society of Plant Biologists, and New Zealand Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Science.

Raven Biology of Plants companion site with free and open resources


New Book List

Journal articles are written by experts in the field and are an excellent source for current and original research; often on quite specific aspects of a topic. Databases provide you with access to an increasing amount of articles which will help you find comprehensive information on your chosen topic.

Not all of our databases are full-text. If you find an article that only has an abstract we may be able to interloan it for you. Fill out an online interloan form.

Most of our databases have a help menu. If you need help with the databases contact your subject librarian.


Print Journals

Cosmos: the science of everything
Helix: Science With a Twist
New Scientist
New Zealand Agribusiness
Organic NZ (Hawke's Bay)
Organic NZ (Tairāwhiti)
Scientific American
Water and Atmosphere


E Journals

Chemistry in New Zealand (CiNZ) is the quarterly professional journal of the NZIC.

Journal of the New Zealand Plant Protection Society (online only)
Contains research papers on all aspects of biology, ecology and control of weeds, vertebrate and invertebrate pests, and pathogens and beneficial micro-organisms in agriculture, horticulture, forestry and natural ecosystems.


Find e-Journals

You do allow embedded content.


New Zealand Databases

Australia/NZ Reference Centre
Australian and New Zealand specific magazines, newspapers, newswires and reference books.

Index New Zealand (INNZ)
Indexes and abstracts selected New Zealand serial publications, including newspapers and 300 journals about New Zealand and the South Pacific. Subjects include general interest material, social research, current affairs, the arts and humanities. Coverage is from 1987. No full-text.

NZ Research
Discover and access New Zealand's most comprehensive selection of research papers and related resources. This site include peer-reviewed and other research from universities, polytechnics, and research organisations throughout New Zealand.

SciQuest Australasian e-Library of Veterinary and Animal Science
Searchable e-library of quality New Zealand and Australian veterinary and animal science and veterinary continuing education publications. Limited access. Limit search to Open access content for full-text material.

Subject Contact

Jadwiga - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301033

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448

Journal Articles

Finding a Specific Article
Finding Articles on your Topic


APA Referencing

How do I reference an article from a journal?

For further help with APA Referencing ask at the Library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Related Study Guides

Click here for the full list of Study Guides.

If you need help with your assignment writing or ways to study ask at the library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Specific Databases

Gale In Context Science
Information on hundreds of science topics in the form of overviews, journals, news, interactive experiments, and more. For help in using this database click here to see a general overview and other video tutorials.

Gale Interactive Chemistry
Chemistry comes to life. Zoom, rotate, and explore interactive 3D models. View related reference content and search Gale content to find more information. For help in using this resource click here to see a video tutorial.

Gale Interactive Science
Manipulate 3D interactive models to visualize and understand concepts in biology, chemistry, earth, and space science. View related reference content and search Gale content to find more information. For help in using this resource click here to see a short video tutorial.

ProQuest Central Science & Technology
Search Proquest Central's science and technology databases including ProQuest Biology Journals; ProQuest Computing; ProQuest Military Collection; ProQuest Research Library: Science & Technology; ProQuest Science Journals; ProQuest Telecommunications; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Science & Technology.


General Databases

Credo Reference
An online library of hundreds of reference books including encyclopaedias, dictionaries, thesauri, atlases, biographies, quotations and subject-specific titles. There are millions of entries, including thousands of images and audio pronunciation files. Contributing publishers include Routledge, SAGE, Cambridge University Press, Wiley, Elsevier and many others. Additional features include Mind Map and Topic Pages, plus links to the EIT library catalogue and databases.

MasterFILE Complete
Multidisciplinary database providing full-text of nearly 2,000 general reference publications back to 1975. Includes full text reference books, biographies, primary source documents, and an image collection of photos, maps and flags. This database is updated daily via EBSCOhost.

ProQuest Central
ProQuest Central is a large multidisciplinary research resource combining more than 28 databases and covering more than 20,000 periodicals plus many other scholarly resources. Content is from scholarly journals, trade publications, company reports, dissertations, newspapers, newsletters, and newswires. Over 160 subject areas are covered including business and economics, health and medical (including nursing), education, social sciences, psychology, humanities, technology, science and more.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Global
Includes more than 3 million dissertations and theses from around the world, with comprehensive coverage of North American works and expanding coverage of international works. Over 1.7 million are available in full text.

Science Direct Health and Life Sciences Journals Collection (College Edition)
Provides access to peer-reviewed full-text journals not available elsewhere online. Subjects include Nursing, Medicine, Pharmacology, Environmental and Biological Sciences. Full-text coverage is from 1995. To limit your search to find full-text only, go to Advanced Search and select Subscribed publications and Open Access articles.

SciVerse Scopus is a very large multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources, containing over 40 million records including over 6 million conference papers and 100% Medline coverage. It covers research in the scientific, technical, medical, social sciences, and arts and humanities fields and provides tools such as Author Identifier, Affiliation Identifier, Citation Tracker, and Journal Analyser to track and analyse research. NB: Full-text documents cannot currently be downloaded from Scopus. Click on the SFX button in Scopus to link to where the full article is located in another database.


These websites have been chosen by your subject librarian to provide you with a relevant selection of online resources. When searching for other online resources evaluate them and think critically about the information presented;

  • Who is making the content available, are they a reliable source?
  • Is the content they are presenting accurate?
  • Is it biased towards political or commercial interests?

Our evaluating the credibility of websites guide will help you with this process. Get in touch with a librarian or one of our Learning Advisors if you are unsure.


google scholar



Google Scholar allows you to search for academic sources using Google's search capabilities. This excludes other non-academic material to give you a more scholarly selection of results. EIT's holdings can be displayed using Google Scholar, to allow you to see at a glance if EIT has access to the full-text of sources you may find. See our guide for step by step instructions.

Subject Contact

Jadwiga - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301033

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448

Finding Information

Library Search Tools
Search Tips (Searching for Resources) Primary / Secondary Resources


APA Referencing

How do I reference a webpage?

For further help with APA Referencing ask at the Library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.


Everyone is aware of YouTube but as a student of EIT you also have access to the below resources to locate quality content.

If you do use YouTube, or other online video content, remember to critically evaluate the material you find:

  • Who is making the content available, are they a reliable source?
  • Is the content they are presenting accurate?
  • Is it biased towards political or commercial interests?

The principles given in our evaluating the credibility of websites guide will help you assess whether it is appropriate for academic purposes. Speak to a librarian or learning advisor if you are unsure.


Recommended Videos

Subject Contact

Jadwiga - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301033

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448

Finding Information

Search Tips (Searching for Resources)

APA Referencing

For further help with APA Referencing ask at the Library desk to make an appointment with a Learning Advisor or fill out an online form.

Related Study Guides

eTV Student Guide
eTV Staff Guide


Click here to see eTV, a new resource you can access from the Library. The On Demand section lets you view and download recordings from TV and videos kept in the Library and Shop.The Live Channels feature lets you live stream TV channels. Use My eTV to store your favourite programmes, personal details and saved searches.

Please see the eTV Student Guide for help using eTV.

Please see the eTV Staff Guide for help to embed an eTV episode into your EIT Online course.



Click here to see SafetyHub Safetycare videos. Includes range of online videos on topics including Driving Safety, Fire Awareness and Office Safety.







For further help with finding information please contact:

Waitangi Teepa
Cultural Support Advisor
Phone: (06) 830 1861

For further help with APA Referencing please contact:

Alice Mcmillan
Information & Learning Advisor: Māori Student Support
Phone: (06) 830 1439


Twist Library
501 Gloucester Street
Taradale, Napier 4112

Phone. (06) 830 1045



Tairawhiti Library
290 Palmerston Road
Gisborne, 4010

Phone. (06) 869 0835



Floor 6 (Reception)
238 Queen Street
Auckland CBD 1010

Phone. (09) 300 7410





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