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Viticulture & Wine Science

Key Databases

Database of citations from the U.S. National Agricultural Library (NAL). Covers all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines. Contains links to full-text documents online.

The international information system for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Covers all aspects of agriculture from participating countries. Limited full-text.

Australia/NZ Reference Centre
Australian and New Zealand specific magazines, newspapers, newswires and reference books

ProQuest Central
ProQuest Central is a large multidisciplinary research resource combining more than 40 databases and covering more than 20,000 periodicals plus many other scholarly resources.

Science Direct
A leading full-text database of peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters in health sciences; life sciences; social sciences; and humanities and physical sciences and engineering.

A large multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources, containing over 94 million records and tools to track and analyse research. NB: Full-text documents cannot be downloaded from Scopus. Click on the SFX button in Scopus to link to where the full article is located in another database.

VITIS-VEA Viticulture and Enology Abstracts
Indexes over 350 viticulture/wine science journals, plus monographs and conference proceedings.


Other Databases

Credo Reference
An online library of reference books, plus images and audio pronunciation files. Additional features include Mind Map and Topic Pages, plus links to the EIT library catalogue and databases.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Global
Includes more than 3 million full-text dissertations and theses from around the world, with comprehensive coverage of North American works and expanding coverage of international works.

Link to All Databases

E Journals

Ag Science Magazine
A publication by the NZ Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Science. It is full of news from local groups around the country, editorials and feature articles by members plus commentaries by government and overseas researchers and consultants.

American Journal of Enology and Viticulture

Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research (November 2022 to the present)

Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research (1995 to October 2022)

Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker (July 2008 to the present)

Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker (Jan 2005 to Aug 2007)

Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry

Journal of Wine Research (2007-2012 only)

Journal of the New Zealand Plant Protection Society (online only)
Contains research papers on all aspects of biology, ecology and control of weeds, vertebrate and invertebrate pests, and pathogens and beneficial micro-organisms in agriculture, horticulture, forestry and natural ecosystems.

South African Journal of Enology & Viticulture

Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research

Wine & Viticulture Journal


Print Journals

American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker
Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
Australian Wine Research Institute Technical Review
Commercial Horticulture: Magazine of the Nursery Industry
Cosmos: the science of everything
Decanter: the world’s best wine magazine
NZ Grower
New Scientist
New Zealand Agribusiness
New Zealand Wine Grower
Organic NZ (Hawke's Bay)
Organic NZ (Tairāwhiti)
South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture
Vineyard and Winery Management
Vitis: Journal of Grapevine Research
Water and Atmosphere
WBM: Australia’s wine business magazine
Wine and Viticulture Journal
Wine Business Monthly (USA)
Wine Hawke’s Bay: the official magazine of Hawke’s Bay Winegrowers Inc.
WineNZ Magazine
Wines & Vines

Jadwiga - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301033

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448

Journal Articles

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APA Referencing

How do I reference an article from a journal?

EBook Databases

EBook Central

Other EBooks

Global wine markets, 1860 to 2016: A statistical compendium University of Adelaide

Plants in Action


Browse The Collection

Information resources on this subject can be found in the following locations.

630 Agribusiness
631 Soils
634.8 Viticulture
641 Wine marketing
663 Wine Science

New Books List

Recommended Books

Flawless : Understanding Faults in Wine
Goode J. 2018

Grapevine Viruses: Molecular Biology, Diagnostics and Management
Meng B., Martelli G. P., Golino D. A., & Fuchs M. 2017

Handbook of enology, volume 1: The microbiology of wine and vinifications
P. Ribereau-Gayon; D. Dubourdieu; B. Doneche; A. Lonvaud. 3rd ed. 2021.

Handbook of enology, volume 2: The chemistry of wine stabilization and treatments
P. Ribereau-Gayon; Y. Glories; A. Maujean; D. Dubourdieu. 3rd ed. 2021.

Handbook of Grape Processing By-Products : Sustainable Solutions
Galanakis C. M. 2017

Healthy Soils for Healthy Vines : Soil Management for Productive Vineyards
Robert E. White. 2019

Improving sustainable viticulture and winemaking practices
J. Miguel Costa; S. Catarino; J. M. Escalona; P. Comuzzo. 2022

Managing Wine Quality : Volume 1: Viticulture and Wine Quality
Andrew G. Reynolds. 2021

Managing Wine Quality : Volume 2: Oenology and Wine Quality
Andrew G. Reynolds. 2021

New Zealand wine: The land, the vines, the people
W. Moran. 2016

Principles and Practices of Winemaking
Roger B, Boulton; Vernon L, Singleton; Linda F, Bisson; Ralph E, Kunkee. 1999

Production Wine Analysis
Zoecklein, B. W. Fugelsang, K. C. Gump B. H. & Nury F. S. 1990

Recent Advances in Wine Stabilization and Conservation Technologies
Jord?o A. M. & Cosme, F. 2016

Red Wine Technology
Morata A. 2019

Social Sustainability in the Global Wine Industry : Concepts and Cases
Sharon L. Forbes; Tracy-Anne De Silva; Armand Gilinsky Jr. 2019

The Chemistry of Wine : From Blossom to Beverage and Beyond
Dalton D. R. 2017

The globalization of wine
D. Inglis; A-M. Almila. 2020

The Science of Grapevines : Anatomy and Physiology
Márkus Keller. 2015

Vineyards, Rocks, and Soils : The Wine Lover's Guide to Geology
Maltman A. 2018

Wine and Place : A Terroir Reader
Patterson T., & Buechsenstein J. 2018

Wine faults and flaws: A practical guide
K. Grainger. 2021

Wine Science : Principles and Applications
Ronald S. Jackson. 2020

Wine Tasting: A Professional Handbook
Ronald S. Jackson, 4th ed. 2023
Print Book

Yeasts in the Production of Wine
Romano P. 2019

Jadwiga - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301033

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448


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Finding Books on your Topic
Primary / Secondary Resources

APA Referencing

How do I reference a book?

Recommended Websites

Australian Grape and Wine Authority (Wine Australia) -
includes factsheets and videos on agrochemical use, consumers, environmental, irrigation, nutrition, pest and disease, physiology, planting material, process efficiency, soil, vineyard management, winery and yield/harvest.

Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference - conference proceedings from 2013 onwards

Australian Wine Research Institute

Bragato Research Institute

Landcare Research - LRIS Portal (Land Resource Information Systems Portal)

Landcare Research Soil Maps

Land Information New Zealand (topographical maps)

Marlborough Research Centre

Massey University Maths Help links

Massey University pasture plant identification

Ministry of Primary Industries horticulture statistics

New Zealand Ecological Society links

New Zealand Weeds

New Zealand Winegrowers

NZ Science Blog all together on one website

NZ Wine Education resources

Organic Winegrowers New Zealand (OWNZ)

Our Environment (online atlas of NZ land resources)

Plant & Soil Sciences eLibrary

Plant and Food Research

Registered Wine Standards Management Plan

Science and Innovation - a NZ Government site that covers a range of science issues

Science Daily the latest research news

Science Learning Hub

Science New Zealand ‑ latest NZ Science news

Statistics New Zealand

University of Adelaide, Wine Economics Research Centre - Annual Database of Global Wine Markets, 1835 to 2016, an Excel database containing historical data on wine production, consumption, and trade

University of California Davis Department of Viticulture and Enology

Wine Act 2003 requirements

Wine Standards Management Plan steps




Jadwiga - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301033

If you require further help with finding information please contact:

Adam - Hawke's Bay
ph| (06) 8301067

Jenni - Tairāwhiti
ph| (06) 8693138

Glen - Auckland
ph| (09) 979 9448

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