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Guides and links for improving your numeracy skills.

quiz Number Order
Quiz - test your knowledge of number order.

quiz Engineering Notation with Metric Prefix Activity
Quiz - test your knowledge of engineering notation with metric prefix activity.


quiz Scientific Notation with Metric Prefix Activity
Quiz - test your knowledge of scientific notation with metric prefix activity.


Writing about Percentages
This guide will help you with writing about percentages.


GCF Math Tutorials
Link to math tutorials on the topics of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, decimals, percents and algebra.


Massey Maths First - Arithmetic Index
Link to the Artihmetic Index - the study of numbers, their properties and operations.


Fractions - the Four Rules
Link to a presentation that will help you add, subtract, multipy and divide fractions.


Math is Fun
Link to worksheets, activities and quizzes on data, geometry, numbers, puzzles, money, algebra, calculus, physics and measurement.


Math Lessons and Interactive Quizzes
Link to lessons and quizzes on pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, statistics and trigonometry.


The NZ Centre of Mathematics - MathsCentre
Link to activities and worksheets on algebra, arithmetic, calculus, geometry, differentiation, functions and graphs, integration, measurement, numeracy skills, sequences and series, simulations chance and data, statistics, trigonometry and vectors.


Pathways Awarua
Link to a self-paced numeracy and literacy tool with a New Zealand context.



These guides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

We have endeavoured to acknowledge other sources where possible and any omissions are unintentional.