Assignment Writing
This guide provides an explanation of the type of assignments
you can expect at tertiary level, and decribes the requirements of academic writing.
Analysing Assignment Tasks
A guide that gives tips on analysing an assignment question.
Analysing your Assignment Task (2:46)
Video - a guide to analysing an assignment question.
Instruction Words
A list of some instruction words and their meanings you may encounter in your assignments.
Instruction Words - 1
Quiz - test your knowledge of instruction words.
Instruction Words - 2
Quiz - test your knowledge of instruction words.
Descriptive, Analytical, Critical/Evaluative, Reflective Writing Compared
This guide describes the components of descriptive, analytical, critical, evaluative and reflective writing.
Online Forums
How to effectively participate in online forums.
Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarising
This guide provides instructions on how to incorporate a quote, or to paraphrase or summarise someone elses research or ideas into your assignment.
Paraphrasing self-check
This guide explains how to use Turnitin to self-check your paraphrasing.
Incorporating a citation in your writing
In academic writing we need to refer to the research and ideas of others.
This guide provides alternative to "say" or "write".
Developmental Stages in the Integration of Literature into Academic Writing Skills
This guide discusses the four developmental stages of academic writing: repetition, patching, plagiaphrasing, and appropriate citation.
Sentence Starters and Transitional Words
A list of sentence starters, transitional and other useful words.
Academic Phrasebank
The Academic Phrasebank is a general resource for academic writers.
Proofreading Strategies
This guide will help you with proofreading strategies.
What is Literature (2:27)
Using literature in tertiary education.
Link to - an adaptive learning game that will help increase your vocabulary.
Exam English
Link to Exam English - a web site that is for people studying for an English language exam.
Word List
Link to - sublists of the academic word list.
Oxford Learner's Dictionary
Link to Oxford Learner's Dictionary - a web site
that is home to six dictionary and grammar reference titles.
Academic Integrity (3:16)
Academic Integrity
This guide
describes the academic integrity values that are practised at EIT.
Breaches of Academic Integrity
This guide
describes the breaches of academic integrity.
Breaches of Academic Integrity - some examples
This guide
gives examples on breaches of academic integrity.
Academic Integrity
Quiz - improve your knowledge of academic integrity
This guide explains what you can safely copy as a student of EIT.
This guide explains plagiarism and provides advice on how to avoid plagiarising.
A Beginner's Guide to Plagiarism - Ako Aotearoa
Link to Ako Aotearoa's beginners' guide to plagiarism.
Quiz - test your knowledge of plagiarism.
These guides outline the APA requirements for presentation and use of appendics; brackets; bulleted, lettered, and numbered lists; heading styles; italics; quotation marks; and writing numbers.
Bulleted, Lettered, and Numbered Lists
APA Referencing @ EIT
Link to the EIT APA Referencing page
Reference list formatting
This guide provides instructions on how to format your APA referencing list using MS Word.
Format your APA Reference List using Word (1:17)
Video - step-by-step instructions on how to format your APA referencing list using MS Word.
These guides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
We have endeavoured to acknowledge other sources where possible and any omissions are unintentional.