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Assignment Types

Guides that focus on specific types of assignments.

Essay Writing
An overview of how to structure and write an essay.


Essay Formatting Template
Use this template to correctly set up your title page and enter your paragraphs and references, according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.), chapter 2.


Essay Checklist
A checklist to ensure you have covered all aspects of an essay.


Essay Exemplar
An example of a essay.


Oral Presentation
A guide on delivering an oral presentation.


PowerPoint Presentation
A guide on delivering a PowerPoint presentation.


Report Writing
An overview of how to structure and write a business report.


Academic Report Formatting Template
Use this template to correctly set up your title page and enter your paragraphs and references, according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.), chapter 2.


Report Exemplar
An example of a report.


Reflective Writing
An overview of reflective writing, different frameworks and elements of a reflective writing style.


Online Forums
How to effectively participate in online forums.


Research Proposal
An overview of how to structure and write a research proposal.


Annotated Bibliography
An overview of annotated bibliographies with examples of descriptive and evaluative annotations.


Literature Review
A step by step process of writing a literature review.


Written Submission
A guide to preparing a written submission.



These guides are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

We have endeavoured to acknowledge other sources where possible and any omissions are unintentional.